A note from Lesley Bludworth, PT
I am excited to join Carol at HIF to assist you in achieving your wellness and therapy goals. Similarly to Carol I too pride myself in as being a body work detective. I am committed to solving and unraveling sources of pain, undesirable symptoms and dysfunction in the body. My specialty is addressing disorders or imbalances in the nervous system. Especially in the Autonomic Nervous System.
Lesley's Bio
Lesley is a licensed Physical Therapist, and has been practicing full time since graduating from California State University Long Beach California in 1993. In California, she initially specialized in adult neurological rehabilitation and became neuro development treatment (NDT) certified in 1999 and has extensive training in proprioceptive neurofacilitation technique (PNF) Since moving to Arizona with her husband in 2001 she began practicing orthopedic and sports centered therapy with a more recent focus on back and neck dysfunction and chronic pain. She has a holistic and personalized approach to therapy which takes into account the physical and emotional aspects of wellness.
Her passion is related to addressing dysfunctions in the central and autonomic nervous systems and the study of neuro-plasticity as it relates to chronic conditions. She uses a variety osteopathic manual therapy techniques and exercises to bring the nervous system and hence the body back into balance. By combining techniques such as Strain Counterstrain, Muscle Energy Technique, Primal Reflex Release Technique (PRRT), Cranial Sacral Therapy, Associative Awareness Technique (AAT), acupressure and myo-facial release, diaphragmatic breathing, PNF and Retained reflex integration techniques, results can be immediate and long lasting. These techniqus assist body and the brain integrate new ways of providing dynamic stability. She is a graduate of Landmark Education’s Curriculum for Living.
As a Physical Therapist, another of Lesley's passions is in assisting individuals restore optimal health and in assisting athletes in achieving optimal performance (especially after injury). As a former rock climber and current equestrian, she understands of the importance of heightened proprioception (positional sense, conscious and unconscious) and its impact on performance. This includes the skill required of equestrians, dancers, climbers, golfers, tennis players, runners, etc. Accurate and skilled movement requires coordinated input from the eyes, tendons and ligaments and rapid accurate output to the muscles. With riders, for example, facilitating postural ease of movement through the seat, improving timing and balance, allows for optimal communication.Lesley and her husband live in Ahwatukee with their many 4 legged and furry children.
Links to above therapies:
Primal Reflex Release Technique www.theprrt.com
Associative Awareness Technique
Cranial Sacral Therapy (Upledger) http://www.upledger.com/content.asp?id=61
Paced Breathing: the App for Android phone’
Paced Breathing for iPhone
examples of paced breathing exercises. I recommend starting with 5 seconds in and 5 seconds out 15 min 2 times a day.
Recommended reading:
The Brain that Changes Itself
Health in Focus Therapy & Wellness
3819 E. Indian School Road
Phoenix AZ, 85018
Phone: 602-331-7330
Fax: 602-331-7344